35 results for author: Stephanie

Our response to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on wills

Association responds to Ministry of Justice consultation on storage and retention of original wills. The British Records Association has submitted a response to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation paper on the ‘Storage and retention of original will documents’. His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) currently holds the original paper versions of wills proved since 1858. The Government's proposal includes the digitisation of all such wills, and the corresponding destruction of the original paper documents, with exceptions made for wills of selected people considered to be of particular note. The Association's response to the ...

Reviewers Wanted

We are looking for reviewers for the following publications for our journal 'Archives' Interested parties please contact us using our contact form. Books for review Jerome Bertram (ed.), Mediaeval Inscriptions: The Epigraphy of the City of Oxford (Oxfordshire Record Society) Sherry L. Reames, Saints' Legends in Medieval Sarum Breviaries (York Medieval Press) Ian Forrest and Christopher Whittick (eds), The Visitation of Hereford Diocese in 1397 (Canterbury and York Society) M. Thomson and M. Winterbottom (eds), For and Against Abelard: The Invective of Bernard of Clairvaux and Berengar of Poitiers (Boydell Press) George Redmonds and ...

Winners of the 2023 Janette Harley Prize announced

The British Records Association is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 Janette Harley Prize. The Prize is shared between two entries as follows: Dr Ian Forrest and Christopher Whittick (translators and editors), for The Visitation of Hereford Diocese in 1397 (Canterbury & York Society, vol. CXI, 2021) Dr Imogen Peck (Birmingham University), for "‘Of no sort of use’?: Manuscripts, Memory, and the Family Archive in Eighteenth Century England" (Cultural and Social History, vol. 20:2 for 2023, pp.183-204), and the accompanying blog series and online resources, part of the ‘Family Archives in Early Modern England’ research ...