ARCHIVES 57 (2022) Table of Contents and Abstracts
BRA Members can view the latest ARCHIVES publication, and past issues, by logging into the Liverpool University Press website here.
Volume 57 (2022) Issue 1
David Robinson, A Thamesside town in the early fifteenth century: Kingston upon Thames and its people
Clare Cowling Undeposited records in Oxfordshire: A methodology for the identification and preservation of private-sector records
Hugh Doherty, Richard Sharpe, diplomatist (1954-2020)
David Robinson with contributions by Rosemary Dunhill and Kathe Thompson, Amanda Arrowsmith (1947-2...
New Shock of The Record webinar: ‘Truth and Trust; untruth especially in oppressive regimes’
This webinar is one of a series of six organised by the British Records Associations' Archives Advocacy Group and the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), which will be held during 2021 and 2022. The aim of the series is to raise and debate questions surrounding the criticality and value of archives and records as information and evidence. Questions such as:
What does the record - be it in hard copy paper format, digital or other media - mean to us?
Why should we be concerned about its survival?
How can the authenticity and significance of records be ...
Watch our second webinar ‘Who Creates the record and why? Evidence under attack’
If you missed our second IHR Partner Seminar on the 17th June, you can now watch the webinar online on YouTube. The film has closed captions. The event was really well attended, with 400 registrations and over 120 attendees on the day. We will announce the theme of the third seminar in the 2021 series closer to the time, which will be held on the 11th November.
Many thanks to our speakers for contributing to such a lively and interesting debate.
The British Records Association is a charity completely run by volunteers, and if you have been enjoying our webinars ...