Winner of the 2022 Janette Harley Prize announced
The British Records Association is delighted to announce that the joint winners of the 2022 Janette Harley Prize are Dr Janet Weston (Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), and Charlie Barnes (Dead Earnest Theatre) for Power and Protection – the history of the Court of Protection, two short films and a website created as part of ‘Measuring Mental Capacity’, a research study funded by the Wellcome Trust. The films and website can be found at
Visit to Stationers’ Hall
On Wednesday 7th December, we will visit Stationers' Hall, the home of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, hosted by Ruth Frendo, Archivist. The programme is as following:
10.20 -10.30am: Arrival at Stationers' Hall
10.30 - 11.30am: Tour of the Tokefield Centre, the home of the Stationers' Company Archives, and talk on the collections
11.30am - 12pm: Tea & Coffee and a chance to mingle with other attendees
12-1pm - Tour of Stationers' Hall.
Tickets can be booked on Eventbrite here.
Access Guide
An access ...
Creative Encounters: Art in the Archives Conference Review
by Jessye Persse, Library, Information and Archive Assistant, Stockport Council
Photographs by BRA Secretary Amanda Engineer
As an artist and graduate of an Illustration degree - who is also currently undertaking an apprenticeship in Library, Information and Archive Services at Stockport Local Heritage Library – I was immediately drawn to the Creative Encounters conference as it combined both of my worlds. I was fortunate enough to attend after submitting a written application for a free place from the British Records Association, organisers of the conference.