2 results for author: Accounts


The British Records Association is pleased to announce that it is sponsoring a new prize, in memory of archivist Janette Harley (1951-2015). Janette was devoted to the BRA, which was a significant help to her during her early career. She remained a member throughout her life. At her death her family fulfilled her wish to bequeath a substantial capital sum to the BRA. This new prize is intended to generate interest in archives, and raise awareness of research and achievements in the world of archives. For more details, please see here.

Upstairs, downstairs: life in British stately homes and town houses

Annual Conference British Records Association jointly with The Historic Houses Archivists Group   Tuesday 2 December 2014 Programme 09.45   Registration and coffee 10.15   Welcome Anthony Smith, Chair of the British Records Association 10.20  ‘Let each man do his best’: The Percy Family and their staff in the First    World War, 1914-1918’ Christopher Hunwick, Archivist to the Duke of Northumberland at Alnwick Castle and Syon House 11.00 '' A More Steady and Moral Set of Servants I never saw'' : the Sutherland Collection as a research source for the domestic household of Trentham, Staffordshire, 1830-50.  ...