33 results for author: Stephanie

Watch our second webinar ‘Who Creates the record and why? Evidence under attack’

If you missed our second IHR Partner Seminar on the 17th June, you can now watch the webinar online on YouTube. The film has closed captions. The event was really well attended, with 400 registrations and over 120 attendees on the day. We will announce the theme of the third seminar in the 2021 series closer to the time, which will be held on the 11th November. Many thanks to our speakers for contributing to such a lively and interesting debate. The British Records Association is a charity completely run by volunteers, and if you have been enjoying our webinars please do consider becoming a member of the Association. More information is on our ...

Book on our second webinar ‘Who creates the record and why? Evidence under attack’

Booking for the second webinar in the British Records Association and Institute of Historical Research's 'Shock of the Record' series is now open. Book at https://www.history.ac.uk/events/who-creates-record-and-why-evidence-under-attack. Speakers include Andrew Flinn (University College London), Laura Millar (Independent Consultant and Scholar), Anthea Seles (International Council on Archives), Jo Fox (School of Advanced Studies, UoL) and Richard Ovenden (Bodleian Library). The participants will discuss the question 'Who creates the record and why? Evidence under attack'.  Laura Millar, author of the 2019 book A Matter of Facts: The Value of ...

‘Why Archives Matter’ a review

A guest blog by Dr. Alice Prochaska, co-chair of the 'Why Archives Matter' webinar and member of the BRA's Archives Advocacy Group The Shock of the Record:Archives and Truth webinar series addresses the world-wide crisis of misinformation in what we might term an era of ‘post truth’.  A recent article in the New York Times refers to ‘the babble of orchestrated mendacity.’ Cynicism about public sources of information is rife.  We need to know what we can trust, how to evaluate the information that is produced in a proliferating range of forms, from traditional print to broadcast and social media and the exponentially proliferating ...